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OSA World Juggle-A-Thon Today To Support Nothing But Nets



[Editor's Note: The following is a press release from our good friend Jared Montz, formerly of the Chicago Fire, Vancouver Whitecaps and Puerto Rico Islanders.]

Every 45 seconds a child dies from Malaria.  You can help!

You can help by participating in the OSA World Juggle-a-thon to benefit Nothing Buts on World Malaria Day which is today, April 25th!  Soccer players, fans and coaches everywhere are juggling to get better, juggling to save lives at 6pm their standard time anywhere in the world they have a soccer ball.  The OSA World Juggle-a-thon is put on by for Nothing But Nets.  Nothing But Nets is an MLS partner charity and for every $10 raised they provide a life saving bed net to a person in need in Africa.  

How do I participate?

1. Download a pledge sheet on the “OSA World Juggle-a-thon” page of (link too

2.  College pledges or flat donations prior to juggling.  The minimum suggested amount to raise is $30.  Do that, you save 3 lives and you get a shirt! 

3.  Juggle for your juggling record by yourself or with friends at 6pm your time!  After follow directions on pledge sheet and mail in your funds raised!

OSA World Juggle-a-thon Highlights so 

  • 28 pro players on board including Jay Demerit and Carli Lloyd from the US National Team
  • Multiple pro freestylers participating including 16 year old phenom Indi Cowie (she was on Good Morning America and New York Times recently)
  • One freestyler is going for Guinness World Record of most sole juggles during OSA World Juggle-a-thonMultiple youth soccer clubs and pro supporters groups are participating and hosting OSA World Juggle-a-thon parties
  • CASL in North Carolina is hosting a two field OSA World Juggle-a-thon party – they have over 10,000 youth soccer players

For more information, questions or comments please visit (link to or contact their founder Jared Montz at

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