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Sons Of Ben Get Exposure In GQ UK And On Germany’s



GQ UK talks about American soccer support groups and chats with Bryan James. Welcome to Europe, Sons of Ben. 

Over in the UK, the Sons of Ben are featured in GQ’s February issue. The article discusses the “hooliganism” that birthed support groups in the United States and also discusses how support groups are helping MLS and soccer grow in the US. The 700 Level was able to get hold of the pictures in the article (smartly contacting the photographer) and they’re absolutely brilliant. I was at the New York Red Bulls game that many of the photos were taken from and I can say that they really do capture the atmosphere, energy and emotion on that day. The issue with the article in it is supposedly going to be in the US come next week. sat down with SoB President James, making it a great week of public relations and media publicity for the support group. The highlight of the article is a footnote at the bottom: "SoB" ist die geläufige Abkürzung für "Son of a bitch." It translates to: "SoB" is the common abbreviation for "Son of a bitch." I'll try to have a decent translation of the interview up later today.

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