Brotherly Game Archive
Friday Morning Union Freekicks: Sons Of Ben, Ochocinco And Sold Out?
It's the eve of the Philadelphia Union's home opener and there's plenty of talk about the game but there's also a lot of talk about things completely unrelated to it. Despite the upcoming game, it seems that there is focus upon the possible head butting between the Union and their supporters group, the Sons of Ben. The question was raised yesterday after tweets by Sons of Ben President Bryan James made it appear as though the team was already flexing their muscles over a trademark on "DOOP."
Onto the news of the day:
MatchDay: Union vs. Vancouver Whitecaps [Conor O'Grady, Philly Union Talk] PUT has its preview up for the game, along with another video predictor. Enjoy.
Sons Of Ben Growing Along With The Union In 2011 [Dave Zeitlin,] A look at year two of the Union, still supported by the Sons of Ben. What do the fans have in store for 2011?
The Union DOOPs All Over Supporters, Third Party Vendors, and Other Clubs [Union City Blue] UCB follows up on the Brotherly Game's reporting on the trademarking of DOOP, looks into foreign law and talks about how the ZOLO has already been claimed – albeit by a different company with no ties to the Union.
So, Is the Game Sold Out or Not? [Union City Blue] Well, is it? The team has released more tickets and has made no announcement of an official sell out of PPL Park for the home opener against the Vancouver Whitecaps. Union City Blue examines the situation.
Edited Opinion On Ochocinco [Broad Street Hooligans] While Ochocinco's trial with Sporting KC may have originally looked like a sham, BSH now feels that he's genuinely wanting to make the team.